DEI — Conservation X Labs

 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


At Conservation X Labs, we believe that innovation can come from anyone, anywhere but opportunity is not universal. We recognize that many of the drivers of extinction are the same as the drivers of inequity. Therefore, we commit to democratize conservation by co-creating innovative solutions for the challenges our planet faces to build an equitable future for all species on Earth.


We believe that innovation can come from anyone, anywhere. Talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. Solving the world’s most pressing problems requires community and collaboration at a global scale.

Conservation X Labs was founded on the notion that conservation must be as diverse and inclusive as possible in order to ensure as many brilliant solvers can join the effort to prevent the Sixth Mass Extinction.

But for too long, racism and injustice have excluded and actively removed opportunity for too many, particularly our colleagues and peers who are black, indigenous, and/or people of color (BIPOC). It is our duty to confront this truth, take accountability, and ultimately transform what conservation looks like.

We recognize that racism, neocolonialism and issues of equity are historical challenges to conservation. There is inherent bias and privilege when we ask those closest to the places we want to conserve, who can least afford it, to bear the greatest costs of doing so when we have built our economies based on environmental destruction. There is racism when we choose to value our economic rights over the rights of others as well as their right to live in a healthy environment. And there is discrimination when we forget that people, not just animals, exist in the places we seek to protect.

Our programs are, at their core, designed to remove barriers to participation in conservation work. We commit to actively welcoming people of all backgrounds to join our community, apply to Grand Challenges, partner with us, and contribute their unique skills to stop extinction. We are developing our own technologies to be accessible and affordable. And we are constantly exploring new ways to support innovation in conservation – whether through paid fellowships, educational toolkits, or storytelling efforts.

While we pride ourselves on creating opportunity and expanding conservation to be more inclusive, we know this is not nearly enough. We can and must do more. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion have always been central to Conservation X Labs’ goals and deeply held values of our team. But, we recognize that we must do more as an organization. Our team at Conservation X Labs has come together to deepen and advance the incorporation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles across our programs. We formed a DEI committee, found and shared resources to understand what can and should be done, actively reached out to BIPOC organizations and collaborators, and explicitly integrated DEI goals into our organizational goals going forward.

These were only our first steps. Going forward, we commit to building foundations for meaningful and lasting change within our organization and throughout conservation as a whole. Knowing that we alone will not solve this problem, we have brought in professional DEI expertise to help facilitate this, and strengthen and solidify our commitments in a policy handbook.

Conservation X Labs will uphold the principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and justice across all aspects of our work, and actively seek opportunities for real change so that future generations will see all humans represented in conservation.

As scientists, communicators, and creative thinkers, we welcome constructive feedback and suggestions on how we can best fulfill our mission and commitments. Contact us.