Reverse Earth's Climate Change Trajectory — Conservation X Labs

Our AREAS OF IMPACT: Reverse Earth's Climate Change Trajectory

Our vision is that all species thrive in an optimal climate.

There is a long-held belief that climate change and biodiversity loss are separate conservation issues and should be treated as such. This is simply not the case. By thinking of these as separate issues, we cannot fully prevent or solve either.

We know that climate and biodiversity are deeply interconnected; addressing one impacts the other. We know that by tackling biodiversity loss, we directly mitigate the effects of climate change. From our Global Cooling Prize challenge, which resulted in refrigerant technology efficient enough at scale to eliminate the emissions of Australia and Finland, to our work in the Amazon Basin that will establish clean, non-extractive industries to preserve the Earth’s most valuable carbon sink, to reinventing food, feed, and fiber for sustainable alternatives, we are demonstrating the outsized impact that conservation solutions can have on reversing the current climate change trajectory.


Completed Initiatives and Impact: