Liam Torpy — Conservation X Labs

Liam Torpy



Liam Torpy is the Fire Grand Challenge manager. He holds a B.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Chicago, where for his senior thesis, he studied the viability of a key large mammal migration corridor in the Tarangire-Manyara ecosystem of Tanzania. Before joining CXL, Liam served as Program Director for the Himalayan Climate & Science Institute, a startup nonprofit dedicated to furthering climate science and adaptation efforts and economic opportunities in the Himalayas of Nepal. Throughout his career, he has taken on a variety of roles to help further forest protection, landscape connectivity, and community-based conservation. He has worked with The Nature Conservancy, the Georgia Water Coalition, Trees Atlanta, the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, and the U.S. Forest Service on Custer-Gallatin National Forest outside of Bozeman, Montana.