Conservation X Labs and its spin-out, Thylacine Biosciences, was one of five finalists awarded part of the $1.5 million Roddenberry Prize for audacious early-stage science and technology ventures that contribute to the United Nations Development Goals (UN SDGs).
The NABIT wins Theodore Roosevelt Genius Prize
A Grand Challenge to Address Microplastics
Conservation X Labs travels to the Futures
Five game-changing innovations share $525,000 prize to end microplastic pollution
Global coalition launches Amazon CoLab to develop and test technologies to protect the Amazon Rainforest
Companies race to stem flood of microplastic fibres into the oceans
Conservation X Labs announces 12 finalists for $650,000 Microfiber Innovation Challenge prize fund
Conservation X Labs attends its first IUCN World Conservation Congress
The Sentinel is a Finalist in Fast Company’s 2021 Innovation by Design Awards
Announcing the Microfiber Innovation Challenge Semi-Finalists
Conservation X Labs launches global innovation competition to prevent plastic microfiber pollution
Crowdsourcing Ideas for Animal Conservation Technology
You can help reverse extinction
CXL profiled by Nature!
Using technology, innovation and entrepreneurship to turn the tide on climate change
Project Drawdown found that among 100 climate solutions, refrigerant management could lead to the greatest reductions in atmospheric carbon by 2050.
Cooling technologies present opportunities for investment and public-private partnerships that can disrupt industries in need of change and provide long-term national economic security and growth.
The Global Cooling Prize, a $3-million international competition led by our organization Conservation X Labs, the Rocky Mountain Institute and the Government of India to develop a new generation of cooling technology, fills this role to find solutions in the cooling space.