As part of its work to build the pipeline for conservation technology and innovation, Conservation X Labs hosted leading researchers and educators from nine American colleges and universities at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian to re-envision the conservation curriculum of the 21st century.
Conservation X Labs Awards Inaugural Con X Tech Prize Honors
Conservation X Labs launches The Global Cooling Prize in India
Conservation X Labs and its global partners launched The Global Cooling Prize last week during a high-profile event in New Delhi, India. This international competition incentivizes the development of a residential cooling technology that will have at least five times less climate impact than the standard Room Air Conditioning (RAC) units sold today. Over US$3 million will be awarded over the course of the two-year competition.
Lead Engineer Hal Holmes Named 2018 Moore Inventor Fellow
Announcing 20 Finalists for First Round of Con X Tech Prize
Conservation X Labs, a Washington, DC based social enterprise, announced 20 finalists for the first round of the Con X Tech Prize, a global competition that provides funding for project teams with a bold conservation idea that are preparing their first prototype.
The ‘Ohiʻa Challenge: Calling New Solvers to Save Hawaiʻi’s Forests
Hawai'i's iconic ʻŌhiʻa tree faces a new and undetectable threat that is killing off trees at an unprecedented rate. This disease threatens to decimate this species that is critical to the unique culture and habitat of Hawai'i. Conservation X Labs, a DC-based technology start-up, announces the launch of The ʻŌhiʻa Challenge—a competition for solutions to this threat. In partnership with the U.S. Department of the Interior offices and agencies, Conservation X Labs today announced the opportunity to compete and seeks new solvers from unconventional fields such as engineering, fluidics, optics, microbiology, hackers, makers, and many more to save Hawai'i's forests from extinction.
Conservation X Labs Hosts Make for the Planet Borneo in Malaysia
Conservation X Labs, a Washington DC-based social enterprise, gathered 54 innovators in 15 teams from 9 countries in Kuching, Malaysia at the 5th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC5) for Make for the Planet Borneo. Teams competed for over $10,000 in prizes and the opportunity to test and pitch new ideas in front of thought leaders and IMCC5 delegates.
The DNA Barcode Scanner Featured in The Atlantic & bioGraphic
Conservation X Labs and the DNA Barcode Scanner were featured in stories for bioGraphic and The Atlantic on the growing movement of technology for conservation. The profiles focused on our DNA Barcode Scanner and its potential to revolutionize the fight against wildlife trafficking and seafood fraud among other fields. Check out each story to learn more about what we do and how we seek to transform the field of conservation!