Reinventing Conservation — Conservation X Labs

Our problems are exponential, but our solutions have been linear.

The threats to our planet’s health are increasing exponentially, while our solutions are only increasing incrementally. Conservation is not succeeding fast enough. We believe conservation science must shift from a descriptive, discovery-based science focused on cataloguing the demise of species to an interdisciplinary field that seeks to engineer and deploy solutions at a global scale.

CXL helped create the field of conservation technology and continues to lead the way through launching impactful programming that allows for diverse participation. We are co-creating the future of conservation on a global scale by creating a new framework for solving the extinction crisis, developing strong international partnerships, and sharing our expertise through conservation curriculum and representation at global events.


Explore Our programs to Reinvent Conservation

Conservation Futures Toolkit

The Conservation Futures Toolkit is an open, interdisciplinary curriculum focused on conservation innovation and creative problem solving with the vision to equip a diverse cadre of aspiring leaders with the tools to execute trailblazing solutions to the extinction crisis.

Extinction Solutions Index

CXL is compiling the most impactful global interventions needed to match the speed and scale of the extinction crisis. Inspired by Project Drawdown’s framework for Climate Solutions, this Extinction Solutions Index will provide a roadmap for preventing the sixth mass extinction.

Xploring Podcast

The Xploring Podcast dives into the extra-yet-ordinary journeys of people innovating for our planet. We've interviewed entrepreneurs, researchers, journalists and designers building ground-breaking projects and invite the listener to join us as we uncover their creative journeys.