The Con X Tributor Network — Conservation X Labs

We chose 20 bold solutions to help end the 6th mass extinction.
But the finalist teams can't do this alone.

Our 2020 Con X Tech Prize Finalists have begun their 12-week prototyping sprint, where they are building the first model of their bold conservation idea - and you can join them.




Con X Tributor Network

We’re recruiting a cohort of highly skilled professionals, experts, and makers that provide their skills & services to help stop the extinction crisis. We’re calling it The Con X Tributor Network.

As a Con X Tributor, you’ll act as a resource to the 20 Finalist teams as they work through the Con X Tech Prize rapid prototyping period. These project teams will tap into the Network for strategic advice, mentorship, and technical capacity - giving you the chance to support or even join the team in their sprint towards a prototype.

So if you’re an engineer, designer, developer, marketer, conservationist, entrepreneur, or simply want to get your hands dirty helping build products that protect the planet, our teams are ready to meet you.

Registration for the 2020 Con X Tributor network is now closed.


What does a Con X Tributor do?

As a Con X Tributor, you will connect with teams and offer your professional background and expertise to help them strategize & rapidly develop a conservation technology through the Con X Tech Prize prototyping period.

Con X Tributors have two primary Responsibilities:



Provide feedback, advice, and support to CXTP Finalist Projects that reach out to you, to the best of your abilities.



Engage with project teams on twice-weekly “Ask Me Anything” discussions on the Digital Makerspace.


We ASK Con X Tributors to commit to the following:

  • Be generally available between now and October 18 to give feedback and advice to projects, ideally through one-off or regular video calls with the team (expected time commitment is 5-10 hours per month)

  • Make a concerted effort to understand the project prior to a conversation with a team

  • Be open to forming ongoing collaborations with the right team, if the opportunity arises

  • Engage with projects on regular Spotlight “Ask Me Anything” discussions throughout the sprint, hosted on our Digital Makerspace

  • Hold confidential information provided to you by projects, and be open to case-by-case agreements


About the Con X Tech Prize

The Con X Tech Prize is a two-stage prototyping competition that awards small grants for teams to take a conservation project from idea to real-world prototype. In the first stage, twenty finalists are chosen to receive $3,500 to create the first prototype of their project idea over a 12 week period. Then, one project out of the twenty will be selected to receive a Grand Prize of $20,000 to take their project to the next level.

Take a look at this year’s Con X Tech Prize Finalists below - and join the Con X Tributors Network to support their work!


Thanks to our partners and supporters


Photo credit for the banner photo: Shah Selbe