Virtual Ideathon Results & Resources — Conservation X Labs

Virtual Ideathon Results

On Saturday, April 25th, 2020, a community of individuals passionate about conservation innovation - from Brazil, Sweden, Hong Kong, Canada, Australia, and more - came together for our Virtual Ideathon to spark new solutions to end the 6th mass extinction.

But it doesn’t stop there - our goal was for participants to walk out of the event with a strong idea that to submit directly to the Con X Tech Prize for funding and further support from the Conservation X Labs team.

20 projects submitted to the Con X Tech Prize will receive $3,500 in seed funding to develop a prototype. After prototypes are developed, we will award one project a $20,000 grand prize.

Submissions are due May 4th and anyone can submit to the Con X Tech Prize. All you need is an idea. That’s why we’re sharing these resources from our Ideathon with you right here.

Heatmap showing Ideathon attendees by country


Virtual Ideathon Resources


Katie Williamson, Rare - Behavior Change Presentation

We invited Katie Williamson from Rare to provide a deeper understanding of the levers that projects can use to drive behavior change, along with examples & suggestions of tools for solvers.

Access the slides included in this presentation.


We collected several questions from participants at the Ideathon, and the staff at Rare created written responses here.


Behavior Change Toolkit

The Behavior Change Toolkit is a Conservation X Labs guide to behavior change, to assist you in generating appropriate ideas to submit to the Con X Tech Prize competition.

In this knowledge base, we:

  • Explain why we build for behavior change, and the types of ideas we are looking for

  • Give a crash course in behavior change, synthesizing external research and resources

  • Provide resource banks for:

    • Further learning about behavior change solutions

    • Further learning about conservation challenges that behavior change could impact


Conservation Problem Area Videos

Want to create something with a real-world impact?

We’ve collected problem statements from conservation experts from around the world, outlining real conservation problems with a human behavior component. Your ideas could help solve these real-world challenges!

Use these videos as a jumping-off point for your ideation.

Overfishing in coastal communities - Claudia Quintanilla, Rare

Conflict between humans and predators - Dr. Anthony Giordano, SPECIES

Deforestation - Dr. Alex Dehgan, Conservation X Labs


Pangolin trade & trafficking - Dr. Meredith Gore, Michigan State University

Behaviors leading to pathogen spillover - Dr. Thomas Gillespie, Emory University

Conflict between humans and elephants - Nilanga Jayasinghe, WWF


Less and better meat and dairy - Monique Mikhail, Greenpeace

Single-use plastics in hospitality - Cassia Patel, Oceanic Global